welcome today we are going to know you a floating raft system or a deep water culture system. It is also known as hydroponic system. As you can see this is a deep water culture system where we grow leafy vegetables for home consumption the system is good for leafy vegetables such as the spinach we are growing here so you can also grow lettuce you can grow collard greens or whatever indigenous leafy vegetables you would like the media that you use in such a system should be inert media you can use gravel such as this half inch particle size such as the one you can see or you can use Pumice also known as volcanic rock yes still it's inert and will help so basically how we work around this is we have this floating raft which is as tyro foam board and we have drilled some holes so I'm going to show you how it looks like so we have the holes there and then the seedlings allow me to pull this out slowly yeah so basically you can see this is a network of roots that have come out of the cup and the seedling is growing healthy the roots are white in color as you can see and inside the floating raft we have water yeah you can see water and the water is mixed with nutrients so basically that's how it works it's a simple system you can get such a system with under 100 US dollars.
Two hydroponic cannabis plants
Source: Plantlady223 / CC BY-SA |
This system can hold between 42 stems between 42 and 80 stems and you know it doesn't need electricity it doesn't need a water pump you just need to replenish the water whenever the nutrient water has completely reduced and this actually can take a hundred to 120 liters of water so it basically can take you up to 90 days before you have to add more water.
These two kits are best for deep water farming or hydroponic farming. please take a look
Pindfresh Hydroponic NFT System - Zoya Hydroponic System (54 Plants) - Outdoor System- Complete Kit
**take a look and buy from Amazon. here is the link https://amzn.to/3iUfd2q
Pindfresh Hydroponic Kit - The Tashi Pro NFT System for Growing 120 Leafy Greens - All Inclusive kit from Seed to Harvest
Take a look and buy from Amazon. here is the link https://amzn.to/31hjo2m
The nutrients that we use are formulated at Grandeur Africa specifically the leafy verges so basically it's a simple system and you can see the gravel see it looks as if it is dry on top but on the bottom side of the cup it is wet and it has a huge network of roots so this is a simple as it is you get with very fresh vegetables that are also traceable because that is the issue with most vegetables that we are buying in the markets some have you know a lot of chemical load you don't know whether they were sprayed just the other day or you know you don't you don't know what people are doing so growing your own leafy vegetables with such a simple system is a great investment not only in terms of saving the amount of money you use to buy leafy vegetables but also guaranteeing your health that you are eating something that is safe and you know how it is grown and you know basically you have control on how it is grown so this system you know is easy you can have it in your compound as a small kitchen garden or if you live in in an apartment you can customize it to fit in your balcony so take advantage of any space that you have you can see we have an unused space here and here and we are we are continually adding more floating raft systems to take advantage of the spaces that we have. we would like to encourage you to adopt such a system it is scalable it's not only for subsidence use or home consumption you can also commercialize the system and we would like to ask you to be free you know it is something simple, doable It doesn't have a lot of complications it doesn't need a lot of energy input electricity and all so basically you can grow it anywhere. Thank you
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